Music by Ki & Ki – very enjoyable

I can’t remember who lead me to look at Ki & Ki on YouTube. Sorry, whoever you were! They play some rather astounding pieces of music on the traditional shamisen, which is a fascinating instrument to any really bad bouzouki player, such as myself.

They were so interesting that I ordered a couple of CDs from their web site, and the CDs arrived today. With them was a signed photograph, and it had a personal message on the back. The only other band I’ve had anything like that happen with was the wonderful Rembetika Hipsters ( who are based in Canada. Anyway…

I‘ve always liked it when bands include posters and such like with their CDs, so this one was a pleasant surprise. It’s a bit on the psychedelic side, don’t you think? The message on the back of the photograph says they would like to play in the UK some day. Musical event arrangers, please note.

Me, wearing a Panama hat, spectacles, and a fine growth of facial hair.

Author: Walrus

Just this guy, you know.