First, I defrosted some ribs.

Next step is to put them into the newly made (because we have not barbecued for almost two years) rib marinade. It’s based on a sachet of Chinese style red-cooked pork spices, with various appropriate additions. The ribs are boiled in the marinade for twenty minutes. The marinade is now in the freezer, waiting for the next batch of ribs. It improves each time it is used….

Anyway, eventually, we had fire, and there was much rejoicing. No, the barbecue wasn’t falling over. It’s probably an artistic choice by the photographer.
Here we see the dual function feature. Ribs cooking, and hand warming at the same time.
We also had lemon and herb chicken on sticks, but I seem to have forgotten to photograph them in all the excitement.
More fire time than food to cook! Much better than the other way round.
And then it went dark. Happy eaters went indoors, feeling pleasantly full.
More soon, even if it’s really cold out there.
I had really missed barbecuing…