Online webcam project, part 1.

Having decided to share the view at the back of our house with the rest of the world, I’ve finally got started. After all, it’s a pretty amazing view at times. Here’s what it was like recently. Even when it’s blurred, it’s good!


I’m using a standard Raspberry Pi camera, and a Pi Zero to do this. Here’s the camera. I took a cheap Vivitar wide angle converter, made a hole in the rear lens cap, and glued the camera’s mounting kit to it, using a cheap glue gun.


Here’s the current state of the thing.


I connected to the PI with x11vnc, and took a test shot. The result is nicely in focus, thanks to the cunning design of the adapter lens, and gives a good wide angle view of the study.


Next, I need to set up the Raspberry Pi to upload pictures to my web site every few minutes, make a page on the web site for people to gawp at, and put the Pi in a waterproof case.

Me, wearing a Panama hat, spectacles, and a fine growth of facial hair.

Author: Walrus

Just this guy, you know.