Rye bread – nailed it!

The Talking Squid wishes to remind you that what you see on the Google+ page is only the beginning of the blog post…
Yesterday, at last, I finally managed to make a rye bread that  I was completely happy with. I just followed the recipe in “Food DIY” exactly. No experimenting with turning it back into a sourdough. This one was made with dried yeast. 

Why is “Save the Deli” in the picture, though? It’s because it is mentioned in Tim Hayward’s book, where he talks about how a good rye bread really shouldn’t be something that you have to suffer to eat and digest. It’s a good read, too, although the earlier chapters are rather like a sequence of magazine articles gathered together to make a book. It has, quite unsurprisingly, a lot of Yiddish words sprinkled through the text, a thing that used to annoy me when I was reading Playboy in 1970. [Yes, I read it. The other people on the ship used to complain that I kept it for too long. I suspect some of them were only looking at the pictures.] Fortunately, there is a glossary at the end of “Save the Deli”, translating these words, and describing in enticing detail what the foods they refer to are like. It’s just a shame I didn’t realise that until I got to the end of the book…

In case you wondered, “Cooking from Cyprus” is there because there are some dishes in it that I want to make soon. Cypriot food is good, especially some of the cured meats, and I was thinking that it has been ages since I had a good slice or three of lountza…
Here is a gratuitous picture of a slice of the bread with a sardine on it. I’m the only one in my family who actually likes sardines. And besides, I have run out of pastrami, which I suppose was bound to happen, given the arrival of a suitable rye bread…
Me, wearing a Panama hat, spectacles, and a fine growth of facial hair.

Author: Walrus

Just this guy, you know.