Scrolling text on a UnicornHatHD

Scrolling text on UnicornHatHD

I wanted scrolling text on the UnicornHatHD which has a 16×16 LED array, and could only find a program that would do it on the old UnicornHat with its 8×8 array.

If you change a couple of lines in, it works on the UnicornHatHD.

Change the definition of flip to:-

flip = [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15]

and change the start of show_letter() to:-

def show_letter(letter,colour,brightness): 


    for i in range(16):

        for j in range(8):

That’s all you need to scroll text on the top 8 rows of LEDs. It should be fairly easy to use the lower 8 rows as well…


#RaspberryPi #Pimoroni #UnicornHatHD

Me, wearing a Panama hat, spectacles, and a fine growth of facial hair.

Author: Walrus

Just this guy, you know.